Really I mean it.
Do you ever shut off the stimulus around you and just wonder? No music, no children, no television just you and the quiet. What do you think about when it's quiet? What do you wonder?
I wonder if I'll ever be able to see my toes again? I wonder if my dog will get fleas this summer? I wonder if the answer to my prayer is really what I am expecting? I wonder if I'll recognize the answer when it arrives? When was the last time you just wondered?
Not worry ~ wonder.
My best wondering time is in the car. Yes, I have to concentrate on driving, but I can shut out all other distractions and just wonder. No matter where I wander near or far I wonder.
Quiet time. Is it an oxymoron or it is just an antiquated phrase used by our parents when they wanted us to go to bed? Quiet time is used as an euphemism for doing your daily devotions and praying. I'm all for that. But I need time that is quiet ~ nothing impeding my wondering.
Weird? Maybe. But how can I stretch my thinking to think out of the box useless I wonder how to get there? How can I hear what the Lord tells me without quiet time? How can I do what he tells me unless I have wondered how to do it?
In the Book of Job he says, "I have no peace, no quietness; I have no rest, but only turmoil."
Have no rest? Need Peace? Experiencing turmoil in areas of your life?
Find your quiet time when you can just wonder!
Phillipians 4:8
And now, dear brothers and sisters, let me say one more thing as I close this letter. Fix your thoughts on what is true and honorable and right. Think about things (wonder about things) that are pure and lovely and admirable. Think about things (wonder about things) that are excellent and worthy of praise.
Kim Angela
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