I’ve missed glorious connections because I’ve been too busy doing good things.
Allow me to define my idea of a glorious connection; a person, experience or opportunity that brings a maturing to my spirit. It may be an open door, a life-long benefactor or even a difficult situation, each connection bringing a transformation in me that shows forth His glory.
A number of us are involved in either a non-profit, a ministry or a church. We are in the business of helping people, seeing lives transformed and in general, improving the world. Actually, every Christian is in that business. The mission statements of these organizations tell people that we are busy about the business of being life changers.
How does a helping organization go beyond its own mission statement? (How does a household go beyond its boundaries?)
In twenty years of working at a non-profit organization I’ve never had matching office furniture, until now. A seed of kindness planted came back as a blessing last month.
Standing in our parking lot as the movers unloaded two truck-loads of furniture, I marveled at God’s goodness and provision. Several years earlier I had offered a job to someone in need. Eventually they moved on to their dream job, but not before learning of the behind the scenes cost cutting measures a small non-profit is faced with daily.
A moment of going beyond our own mission statement set us up for a blessing.
When BMCFerrell moved into their new facility their old office furniture went into storage. As they conducted a search for a worthy charity to donate the items, it was our personal glorious connection that brought us to their attention. Our former staff enlightened BMCFerrell to our program and our need. You might not get excited over 1990’s floral conference chairs; however, when your conference chairs are 1970’s yellow, floral looks great.
We all believe that God will supply for our every need. Many of us vividly recall the days of having faith to believe that the check was in today’s mail. To keep the household/ministry operating and the doors open we have to generate finances. However it isn’t healthy for us to always be on the receiving end of the giving chain. Look for opportunities to put yourself on the other end of the chain.
Whether you choose to quote from Ecclesiastes 11, Cast your bread upon the water… or Luke 6 Give and it will be given unto you…, there is an adage we must remember. One good turn deserves another.
Don’t miss a glorious connection.
Go beyond your mission statement.
Kim Angela
p.s. I also painted my office from raspberry pink to a classy golden brown. Yeah!
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